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One Step Closr Guitar Tablature
Hey this is my first tab so gimme some slack please ^_^

"One Step Closer"
by Linkin Park
Tuning:Drop D then one half step down
x = Dead Note(mute the note)
X = Dead Note(mute heavily)
* = Harmonic
. = Palm Mute


|--------------------------------|   Repeat 4 Times.


|--------9----------5-|  Repeat 4 Times
|-0-0-x--x---8-7-x--x-|     Then Repeat 8 times
|-0-0-x--7---8-7-x--3-|            Lightly.
      .          .     

Pre Chorus(0:40)

|-------------|  Repeat 3 times
|-5-5-x-x-x---|    **note**
|-5-5-x-x-x---|  When doing the dead notes place your
|-5-5-x-x-x---|  finger over the 5th bar fret like your doing
      . . .      a harmonic, well you could mute the harmonic
                       well heres the alternative pre chorus

Pre Chorus(2)(0:40)

|------------------|   Repeat 3 times
       .   .   .


|-0-0-0--12--10-10--7-7--10-10--5-5--7-7---1---| Repeat 2 times.


|-0-0-x--x---8-7-x--x-|    Repeat 8 times lightly
      .          .    

Pre Chorus(1:14)

|--------------------------2.6*--|  *note*
|-5-5-x-x-x----------------------|  The third time u play the 5's  
|-5-5-x-x-x---X3-----------------|  dont play the muted notes! GO STRAIGHT
|-5-5-x-x-x----------------------|  TO THE HARMONICS!!!! 2.6 means place ur 
      . . .                         finger on the third fret bar BUT move down like
                                    0.5 inches.


Pre Chorus(2)(1:14)

|-----------------------2.6*----------------|  once again dont play the
|--------------------------2.6*-2.6*--------|  5*'s on the third time
|-5-5--5*--5*--5*--------------------2.6*---|  Go straight to harmonics.
       .   .   .


|-0-0-0--12--10-10--7-7--10-10--5-5--7-7---1---| Repeat 4 times.

Chorus Ender(1:38)

|-1-|  Repeat 8 times

Breakdown Begginer(1:41)

|--------------------------------| Repeat 4 times
  .  .   .        .  .    .    .  


|-1-0-x-x-x-3-1-0-0-6--0-3-| Repeat 3 times

Part 2(1:58)

|--------------------------| Once only(do after Breakdown)
|-1-0-x-x-x-3-1-0-0-X-X-X--| *note* For the Xs strum them 
|-1-0-x-x-x-3-1-0-0-X-X-X--|             HARD.

Part 3(2:01)

|-1-0-x-x-x-3-1-0-0-6--0-3-| Repeat 3 times

Breakdown Ender(2:08)

|----------------------------| Hit those X hard man....


|-0-0-0--12--10-10--7-7--10-10--5-5--7-7---1---| Repeat 4 times.


|-3-| Repeat 8 times.


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