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I'm Gonna Be A Monkey Lyrics

Album/Collection: You Eediot
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Bob Camp/Charlie Brissette)

REN: O.K. Stimpy, it's time for your evolving lessons.
STIMPY: Oh rapture!!

They swing by their tales with the greatest of ease
Those hairy mammals we call monkeys
They have so much fun
Just living in trees
Oh, how I'd love to be one of these...

I'm gonna be a monkey
A monkey monkey monkey
A monkey monkey monkey
Monkey monkey monkey
I'm gonna be a monkey
A monkey monkey monkey
Would you like to be one too?

When one monkey's itchy another is nice
He picks at his back for vermin and lice
And if he gets hungry he'll pour on some spice
And eat the bugs without thinking twice
Mmmmm...Mm, delicious


REN: O.K. If you wanna be a monkey you gotta learn to act like a monkey
And I got the know-how 'cause I've seen every Tarzan movie ever made
So watch and learn. 

I'm Gonna Be A Monkey Lyrics

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